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Dads must take part in child upbringing to the same extent as moms

Friday, February 16, 2018

The fathers’ participation in the parenting programme “Mellow Parenting” was addressed on Friday, 16th February, at a consultation workshop with central and local authorities from the pilot districts. The goal of the event was to inform the development of the programme piloting in Moldova with the participation of fathers. The workshop was facilitated by a group of experts from Scotland who presented their work experience in involving fathers in the “Mellow Parenting” Programme and its positive impact on children.

The participants in the workshop said it is important to empower fathers to take a more active role in upbringing their children. They said that the overall perception in the society, including among the professionals, on the non-involvement of fathers in child upbringing is justified by their exclusive preoccupation for the family’s financial wellbeing. The decision-makers also recognised that fathers’ participation in child upbringing is as important as that of mothers and both parents have a responsibility for the child’s smooth growth and development. They declared that they will support the programme piloting in their districts and will make efforts to attract fathers in the “Mellow Parenting” Programme.

The “Mellow Parenting” Programme aims at supporting the parents to develop their parenting skills at different stages of child development, from the prenatal one to the preschool age and is based on the principles of attachment, social learning and theory of cognitive behaviour. The programme comprises 14 group sessions that include theoretical lessons, homework, video sessions, joint activities of mothers and children, such as taking meals, creative activities, etc.

The results of the Mellow Parenting Programme implemented in Scotland in 2013 and 2014 shows a significant reduction of cases of depression and anxiety in parents, the growth of their self-confidence, the reduction of children’s negative behavior and the reduction in the number of fights caused by challenging behaviour. The evaluation of the programme in Moldova showed that the mothers who attended the programme have become more confident in themselves, more patient, open, sociable and less depressed. They have also improved their relation with their children, realised that a child needs more than just food and sleep and this includes more nurture and attention. They said they have learned how to manage their emotions, prioritise the activities so as to offer more time to their children, etc.

The event was conducted by the NGO “Partnerships for every child” (P4EC) within the “Mellow Parenting Programme – for Healthy and Happy Children” project funded by World Childhood Foundation.

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