Protection of children, women and families in emergency situation, funded by UNICEF Moldova

3/1/2022 — 8/31/2023

The project purpose

Refugee children, adolescents, girls and boys, women and families to the Republic of Moldova, receive “Blue Dot” coordinated services: key information to traveling families, safe spaces for mothers and children, ability to identify unaccompanied children and separated children, medical first aid, protection information and referral, mental health and psycho-social support.

Main objectives of project are:

  • Maximize the coherence and predictability of services for refugee children and families affected by the migration crisis in the region, on the route by promoting a common concept for BDs, including through outreach;
  • A minimum package of services in the BDs made available at a standardized quality to refugee children and families affected by migration crisis in the region, within close proximity/common areas of the BDs, as well as when relevant through mobile/outreach teams.

Donatorii proiectului:



  • Partnerships for Every Child
