A world where every child enjoys the right to a childhood in a safe and caring family, free from poverty, violence and exploitation.
We work to give vulnerable children who are, or risk being, separated from their family or community a safe and secure future. We empower children, their families, communities and authorities to create opportunities for a better life:
- We give children the chance to grow up in loving families and communities - we help to strengthen families to prevent children from being separated.
- We help children getting back into families - wherever we can, we re-unite children on their own with their families; when that is not possible, or not in a child’s best interest, we help them get into alternative family-based care.
- We protect children from abuse, discrimination and exploitation - when children are living without the care and safety of a family, most at risk of violence, abuse or exploitation, we protect them with crisis care and support.
- We make sure children are heard - we help children, their families and communities speak for themselves, take part in decisions which affect their lives, and find lasting solutions to their problems.
- We learn to do better - we innovate to bring about lasting, positive change and then share what works with communities and governments to bring about lasting, positive change.