The piloting of the “Better Learning Programme” /BLP/, to support students in crisis situations, extends to seven educational institutions in Balti and Cahul, after being applied in five high schools of Chisinau in 2022. In this regard, around 100 school psychologists, teachers and managers from the six high schools participate in a training on the implementation of this programme on 31 March – 1 April this year.
Ana Palii, project coordinator from “Partnerships for Every Child” /P4EC/, said that “the Better Learning Programme aims to support the efforts of education professionals to put into practice the concept of a friendly school and ensure the wellbeing of each child in the school environment. Thus, the training intends to strengthen and develop the capacities of education professionals to facilitate the school inclusion of children in crisis situations, including refugee children”.
According to Cristina Savin, Coordinator of education programmes, Norwegian Refugee Council /NRC/: “BLP has proven its applicability and effectiveness in providing additional tools to teachers to help increase the level of students’ wellbeing through simple and accessible methods that can be turned into a valuable component of the healthy study routine. It is gratifying that the impact of piloting BLP in 5 institutions in Chisinau demonstrates its necessity, relevance and usefulness in the national education system,” said Ms. Savin.
The event is held with the financial support of NRC, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research, within the “Improving the wellbeing of children: Better Learning Programme for the training of education professionals” project.
The” program for a better learning " /BLP/ was launched in the Republic of Moldova in 2022 by conducting several trainings and trainings at country level, in which 15 National Trainers and 100 local trainers were trained.
BLP is a psychosocial support programme that can be integrated in the educational programmes in crisis contexts, including humanitarian. The programme uses a holistic approach to support children's recovery from traumatic events experienced in contexts of crisis or the impact of displacement on both displaced and host communities by improving learning conditions. It mobilises children’s support network with the aim of restoring a sense of normalcy and hope. BLP is implemented in 26 countries and research data shows that the participation in the programme helps children improve their ability to understand their emotions, communicate and self-regulate, thereby improving their mental and physical wellbeing.