It is known that a happy home is like a nest of beauty – a nest where first dreams come to life, become part of us and follow us wherever we go.
… For now, we stopped at Visoca, a village of the district of Soroca, where we met 4 brothers. Actually, they were born in a family of 10 children and come from a totally different region of the Country. They’re from the district of Criuleni.
The first 3 children became adults before time, took their dreams and left home for a better life. The other seven where “spread” allover the Country, without their consent. Although they were separated, children care very much about each other and their dream is to come home, and become a family again. Unfortunately, the house they lived in was ruined and their parents, far from complying with parental obligations, had been deprived four years ago of parental authority. This way, children were sent to other “homes”.
Loredana is the younger child of the family. She is 8 and half of her life lived already in another family. The girl is placed in a Foster Care Service. Her brothers Alexandru, Vasile (13) and Viorel (15), and sister Jana (16), not only were separated from their family, but were also sent to an auxiliary school, nevertheless their perfect health condition. In 2010 children were placed in a special residential school, in the village of Visoca, district of Soroca.
The other two brothers, Elena and Vitalie, attend a Vocational School of Criuleni. Elena chose to become a seamstress and Vitalie dreams to become a carpenter, when he finishes the studies. Probably, the profession he has chosen will help the boy fulfill faster his and his brother’s dream to gather under the same roof.
Soon, the four siblings, who are now in Visoca, should turn at their birth place. Unfortunately, there is no place and, for understandable reasons, they don’t keep good memories about it. Nor the other two brothers who now study at a vocational school, would like to return to their community. They fear to be stigmatized and misjudged by the locals, because of their parents’ addictions. However, the children care very much about each other and want to reunite as a family, but this will happen when they have their own house.
We strongly believe that every dream has to be fulfilled, especially when children are involved.
So, willing to be close to these children and help them get closer to their dream’s fulfillment, the NGO “Partnerships For Every Child” and the Ministry of Labor, Social protection and family of the Republic of Moldova, the Public Administration of Criuleni, the Direction of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Criuleni and the Channel Prime TV, launch the fundraising company „A home to help a family come together”.
Everybody can join us in this campaign that will help the seven brothers gather under the same roof and feel the safety of a new beginning as a family.