30 young people with motor disabilities from Ungheni region are participating in a social project “I’d like to invite you to a dance…” The goal of the project with total value of 500 thousand lei is to ensure social inclusion of young people with disabilities, securing their possibility to participate in all areas of life, along with other members of the society, in line with the principles of fundamental human rights and liberties.
This project also will involve 100 specialists in education, social assistance, medicine, police, local public administration of Ungheni region, in charge with the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.
Tudor Radeanu, Head of Ungheni Social Assistance and Family Protection Department mentioned: “We won this project with our own forces; what’s new in Ungheni region is that 10 young people with motor disabilities are invited to dance, while 10 volunteers (young professional dancers) and a dance instructor will be providing weekly dance classes for six months. The results will be presented within the events organized on Ungheni city day (28 August) and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December)”.
According to Tudor Radeanu, the project will have continuity and will be supported by the local authorities. Thus, a dance ensemble and an NGO will be created to represent the interests of young people with motor disabilities.
The project will also implement awareness-raising activities through round-table discussions, summer camps, study visits to institutions implementing social inclusion of persons with disabilities in Iasi, Romania. In addition, informative materials will be distributed to inform the population about the problems of persons with disabilities.
The project “I’d like to invite you to a dance…” is implemented by Ungheni regional council, the Social Assistance and Family Protection Department, in partnership with Ungheni-based NGO “Social Alternatives”. The project is funded through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, within the Small Grants Fund of the Information Centre for Local Authorities.