The accredited practitioners in the provision of the educational programme for parents “Mellow Parenting” participated in a workshop to exchange good practices and to strengthen the competences in carrying out this programme. The event is organised with the support of the European Union and is moderated by Rachel Tainsh, international programme coordinator, Mellow Parenting organisation in Scotland.
Irina Spivacenco, Project manager at “Partnerships for every child”, said “the organisation of the practitioners’ day in Chisinau gives us the opportunity to provide and receive feedback, including on the video materials made within the Mellow groups, through the “we say what we see” approach in the parent-child interaction. We planned the workshop so that the practitioners who are at the beginning find out the lessons learned and the successes achieved by their colleagues from Falesti and Ungheni districts, who have over seven years of experience in conducting Mellow groups”.
The “Mellow Parenting” programme aims to support parents in the development of parental skills at various stages of child development, starting with the prenatal one and up to preschool age and is based on the principles of attachment, social learning and the theory of cognitive behavior. The programme consists of 14 group sessions, which include lectures, homework, video sessions, joint activities with the participation of mothers and their children, such as serving meals, creative activities, etc.
The event is organised with the financial support of the European Union in the project “Building a society where every girl and boy realises their full potential with respect and dignity”, implemented by the NGO “Partnerships for Every Child” /P4EC/ and the National Center for Training, Assistance, Counseling and Education from Moldova.
The educational programme for parents “Mellow Parenting” was taken over from the UK and launched in the Republic of Moldova in 2016. It is based on evidence and knowledge in dealing with trauma. So far, over 30 Mellow Parenting practitioners have been trained and accredited and have delivered groups for about 350 parent-child couples from 12 districts of the country and Chisinau. The programme is implemented in Moldova thanks to the financial assistance provided by the World Childhood Foundation and the European Union.