Ending the work of the Conference, the children’s representatives launched an appeal to the participants at the event, saying the following:
“We, representatives of children from different regions of the republic of Moldova, on behalf of all children from the country, are appealing to the participants of the Conference, high state officials, central and local public authorities, parents, teachers, social workers, and all adults, with a message expressing our opinion and suggestions regarding the development of the child protection system.
We, children from the Republic of Moldova, just like all children from the entire world, have the right to grow up in families that offer the protection, education, attention, and support we need. Notwithstanding, there are many children in our country, who do not have this right of their respected, and who are separated from their families, and are often placed in residential settings.
We know that our country faces many problems that affect the children’s lives. For a child to develop harmoniously, he or she needs a strong and loving family able to provide necessary support and education based on the child’s needs and potential; children need qualitative services and possibilities to participate.
At the same time, we know that much effort has been made in order to make sure that many residential institutions are closed and the children can return to their families and communities; schools became inclusive and open for all children; family-type services have been created, such as Foster Care, Family-Type Homes, Community Homes, and other services that provide support to children and their families. Nevertheless, many things still need to be done for children.
Today’s child is tomorrow’s politician, doctor, teacher, parent, and the example he is offered now can be repeated. A child’s learns from things he and she sees. A child wants to be loved and supported – which only a family can give. Thus, we need to change things today, to have a future that we deserve. For this we need not only to speak about the existing problems, but also to do concrete things, in order to make sure that every child has a chance to grow up in a family environment.
We, children, engage to further involve and promote the rights of all children.
We cannot do alone good and sustainable things – they can be done only in mutual support. This is why, we need your support and we are confident that you will provide it to us!
"Let us go together and have strong families and happy children at home!"
In this context, the participants of the conference adopted a resolution, underlining:
“We, the participants of this Conference, representatives of state authorities, civil society, international organizations, professionals, children and parents, appreciate everybody’s efforts made within the recent 10 years, to create a child and family protection system, in line with the UN Child’s Rights Convention, UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and the international standards in the area.
Starting from the right of every child to grow up in a family,
Analysing the situation of children and options provided by the existing social protection system,
Underlining the parents’ primary responsibility of children, and the state’s duty to support families in the care and education of children,
Recognising that social, educational, and health policies, promoted by central and local authorities need further improvement in order to offer adequate support to families, on times needed, in order to make sure that the rights of children are respected,
Remarking insufficient opportunities for children and young people to express their opinions and to be listened and involved in decision-making related to their lives and future,
Taking into consideration the engagements made by the country in relation to the implementation of International Acts and Conventions stipulating fundamental rights of children, as well as the national legal framework,
Expressing our concern for the future and safety of every child in our country, and reaffirming the role and importance of the child and family in the development of a modern society,
We, the participants of this conference,
Ask the Government to continue and intensify efforts for the promotion and ensuring the rights of children, continuing the development of coherent policies in the areas of health, education, and social protection that secure the care and education of children in families or family-type environment, developing a diversified and integrated system of family and community-based social, educational, and health services, in order to meet the needs of all children,
We also underline the need and importance of coordination of the process of planning and implementation of social protection policies, strategies, and programs, consulting the parents and the children, and promoting the strengthening of biological families, making sure that the children grow up in the family. Permanent collaboration between the Government, civil society, and donors, should further be a priority, in order to develop and extend successful practices based on family strengthening and separation prevention, on ensuring the care of children separated from families, particularly of those with disabilities and of early age, in family environment,
We stress the importance of giving value to universal educational, health-care, and social assistance services, using common language and tools for early identification and appropriate and coordinated support to children and families in need. Improving the effectiveness of the collaboration between structures, agencies in-charge with child protection or interacting with children, in order to ensure the child’s well-being and act in the best interest of the child, should further be a priority for the coming period,
In our turn, we assume full engagement to act in close collaboration, for the promotion and protection of the rights of children, through the development of a proactive protection system, based on early prevention and intervention,
We will firmly act to make sure that the child’s right to a family is a norm of thinking and civic and professional behaviour, respected by every single person,
We express certitude that by joint efforts, through the involvement of children, parents, communities, and all important stakeholders of the society, through the mobilization of all resources, we will manage to create a better and a more secure world for every child”.
Chisinau, 19 May 2016