15 national trainers in the “Better Learning Programme” (BLP) to support students in crisis situations participate in a two-day training. The training takes place under the guidance of the expert from the Norwegian Refugee Council's Global Education Unit (NRC), Mr Cristian De Luca.
At the end of this month, the trainers will train another 100 teachers from all district/municipal psycho-pedagogical assistance services in the country to ensure the implementation of the programme at national level.
BLP is a psychosocial support programme that can be integrated into educational programmes in contexts of crisis, including humanitarian. The programme uses a holistic approach to support children's recovery from traumatic events experienced during conflicts or the impact of displacement on both displaced and host communities by improving learning conditions. It mobilises children’s support network with the aim of restoring a sense of normalcy and hope. BLP is implemented in 26 countries and research shows that participation in the programme helps children improve their ability to understand their emotions, to communicate them and self-regulate, thus improving their wellbeing.
The training is delivered by NGO “Partnerships for every child” in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research and the Republican Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance Centre within the project “Improving the wellbeing of children: Better Learning Programme for the training of education professionals”, supported financially by the Norwegian Refugee Council.