Representatives of Central and Local public authorities and the civil society met on 16th May at a workshop to develop the strategic vision of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family of the development of child protection services in the Republic of Moldova. The workshop was moderated by an international consultant in child protection, who presented to the participants the results of the assessment of existing protection services for children – victims and witnesses of abuse, violence prevention services for children, and recommendations for the modeling of the services system, in order to replace the identified drawbacks.
The workshop was organized following a series of previous meetings and discussions held in March-April 2016, at local and national levels, within different areas of interest in child protection (medicine, health, social assistance, public order, etc.), and with NGOS and Centres in the area, such as: Terre des Hommes, Partnerships for Every Child, La Strada, Keystone Human Services International, CCF Moldova, Lumos, National Centre for Child Abuse Prevention, Rehabilitation Centre for victims of torture “Memoria”, etc.
The activity was supported by organizations Partnerships for Every Child and Terre de Hommes, within the USAID-funded project “Children in Moldova live in safe and secure families” and OAK Foundation funded project “Prevention of violence and assistance of victims of violence, neglect, exploitation, and traffic”.