The piloting of the National Practice Model /NPM/ initiated this spring in 3 regions of the country has entered its second phase. During the first stage, informative and awareness raising meetings covering areas of child’s well-being and family protective factors were held with over 5500 professionals and auxiliary staff working in areas of education, public order, health, and social assistance.
In addition, for the purpose of practical application of the NPM, Partnerships for Every Child /P4EC/, in coordination with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, and in close collaboration with the Ministries of Health, Education, and Internal Affairs, developed the Instruction on the inter-sector cooperation mechanism of prevention and early intervention, to ensure the child’s well-being. This included common evaluation and intervention tools. These practice tools and methods became the subject of consultation with representatives of local public authorities and professionals in education, health, social assistance, and public order of the mentioned three pilot regions, at a workshop organized by P4EC on 20-21 December.
The mentioned instruction sets out a common framework of inter-sector cooperation on prevention and early intervention, to eliminate risks for children and families. The implementation of the instruction is oriented towards joining the efforts of the professionals interacting with children and families, interventions and relevant support provided in the appropriate time, not waiting till the problem goes worse and the family enters into difficulty.
The piloting of the National Practice Model started in November 2015, with an ordinance of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family. The model is intended to be incorporated into national-level child protection policies and practices by the year 2017.
The National Practice Model aims at the consolidation of universal services, families and communities, in order to achieve a pro-active risks-and-difficulties prevention approach to the work with families and children. It focuses the efforts on family strengthening in the up-bringing and education of children, by developing parenting skills and connecting the family to relevant community resources.
The workshop was organized by Partnerships for Every Child, within the USAID-funded project “Children in Moldova are cared for in safe and secure families” implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Ministry of Education, and 11 LPA of the country.