“Partnerships for Every Child” (P4EC) organized a workshop for journalists from the national and local press, with the participation of representatives of the MLSPF, ME, and LPA from 11 pilot regions of the project Children in Moldova live in safe and secure families implemented by P4EC and financially supported by USAID
The purpose of the event entitled “In partnership with mass media we promote a strong family for every child” was to familiarize the representatives of mass-media with the policies and reforms implemented by the Government of the Republic of Moldova in child social welfare and the development of P4EC’s priority activity directions implemented in collaboration with central and local public authorities for the promotion of child welfare reforms.
The workshop covered issues related to the achievements and perspectives of the child protection system of the Republic of Moldova; the residential child care reform and development of inclusive education; the role of Partnerships for Every Child in the implementation of the child welfare reform; importance of child participation in decision-making, with the presentation of positive practices at the local and national level
New initiatives were also presented at the workshop that are currently piloted or are planned to be initiated by MLSPF and supported by P4EC. These include family and child welfare indicators, planned to be implemented by all agencies in charge with child protection.