Donations made by donors are not returnable. Unilateral withdrawal is notpossible. Theonly
exception are cases of fraud, when the donation shall be returned to the owner of the frauded
card’s owner. portal wishes to be a model through its functioning, that is why it adapts principles
of transparency and responsibility. Thus, all parties involved in the functioning of the portal assu-
me responsibility to follow those principles.
We assume responsibility:
- to respond, within reasonable time, to questions and information queries coming from donors, potential donors, or third parties;
- to make public information with as many details as reasonable, concerning our activity and the way we use donations;
- to ensure the right of the donors and potential donors to request information, within reasonable and well‐intended limits;
Process of donations administration
Collection of donations
Due to the foreign exchange rate, the amount displayed on your statement might be
a little bit different from the real amount.
- Donations, received through portal, are collected with the goal to be oriented to the development of projects, as indicated by donors.
- Donations, received from donors through portal, are collected through the company ECENTRU‐COM S.A. –’s partner entitled with responsibilities to administrate the system of electronic payments, directing them to an unique account that is administrated by
Distribution of donations
The funds will be directed to the first account in Moldovan lei, indicated on the
registration page. The transfer shall be made within maximum term of 15 days since the amount
is received (generally, in the beginning of the month). The term can be extended in the following
- In case if the donations received by “Partnerships for Every Child” do not exceed the amount of 100 USD. In this event, the transfer of the amount shall be delayed until the following month. Not more than two consecutive transfer delays can be allowed.
- In the event of force major or other justified cases, “Partnerships for Every Child” can delay the funds transfer, upon making a notification in the “News” section of portal.
Case of force major denotes emergency events or circumstances that one of the Parties was
unable to foresee and prevent with all reasonable diligence, including, but not limited to natural
calamities, wars, nationalization, expropriation, nuclear accidents or any other circumstances
that cannot be reasonably controlled by one of the Parties.
Registration of donations
Foreach of the donations received through the portal, “Partnerships for Every
Child” will send a copy of the bank operation note to the owner of the card from which the
donation was made, either natural or legal entity, within 15 days since the moment the donation
was received.
The original of the bank operation note shall be available at “Partnerships for Every Child” address
or can be sent in electronic, scanned format, via email, as the donor may request.
“Partnerships for Every Child” will send, via land mail, to firms situated in the Republic of Moldova,
a copy of the bank operation note, within 15 days since the moment the donation was received,
using the data and address indicated while performing electronic donation.
Reporting donations
“Partnerships for Every Child” will publish on portal monthly reports on donations,
made through this portal. The report will contain the amounts received as donations, indicating
the benefiting projects.
Client Support Service
“Partnerships for Every Child”
75 M. Kogalniceanu St., of. 3, 7,
Chisinau, MD 2009
Republic of Moldova
Phone/fax: +373 (22) 238-669, +373 22 925076
Contact person: Leahu Daniela, Fundraising Manager
Operating hours: Monday‐Friday, 9.00 ‐17.30