Representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLPSF), decision makers and specialists with attribution in child rights protection of 11 Moldovan districts had recently discussed, in a workshop, on the wellbeing concept, named „Getting it right – TOGETHER – for every child”. The given concept will be piloted by P4EC, under the surveillance of MLSPF, and is expected to be soon integrated in national policies and practices of family and child protection.
The main objective of the workshop was to define the concept of the implementing process here in Moldova, to establish the piloting stages, and to identify also the tools and the procedures that have to be revised in social assistance system.
„Getting it right – TOGETHER – for every child” integrates a personalized approach in working with children and young people, including family, within the universal services (such as education and/or medicine), whatever their past, origin, needs and risks are. This concept is thought to be functional for all children; it doesn’t primarily emphasize the vulnerability or the extreme need. The wellbeing concept is applicable to all services/professionals/practitioners/ employees/volunteers, working with children, including people hired to work with children. The approach is also valid for the specialists working with adults or assistants, and for the whole adults community.
n fact, the wellbeing concept adapted for Moldova, integrates two international approaches, which focus is to ensure children’s wellbeing to and to strengthen family’s protective factors. The first model belongs to Scotland. It’s been piloted for 10 years in more Scottish regions, and starting with this year they started to apply it nationally. The second model was developed 20 years ago in USA and has been applied till now in 20 American States. Recently it was extended to some European Countries too.
The workshop is part of a serial actions developed by P4EC meant to promote the given concept and to contribute to its implementation.
The event was organized within the Project “Children in Moldova are raised in safe and secure families”, implemented by P4EC in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and 11 district of Moldova, thanks to the financial support of the USAID.