The final goal of the residential care system reform in the Republic of Moldova, which was officially launched in 2007, was to provide an environment, as close to family, to children separated from their parents, especially for those children who lived or continue living for years in residential care.
The residential child care system reform in the Republic of Moldova started as a child’s rights-based process that capitalizes on the existing human resources in the system, makes efficient use of the immovable property and assets belonging to the residential institutions, but also provides a resources training structure for the strengthening and development of the child and family social services system. Obviously, the implementation of the reform inevitably involved certain decisions on further functioning of residential institutions, reorganization or even closure of some of them, creation of a common vision of this process, development of an actions plan for each institution, based on complex analysis of the child’s situation, human resources, assets, buildings, social and educational services. Essential changes obtained by the authorities, supported by the development partners, made it possible for thousands of children to return home, to their families and communities.
Over 11 thousand children were placed in over 65 residential institutions, in 2007. The implementation of the National Strategy and Actions Plan of the residential child care system for years 2007-2012 brought about a 62% drop of the number of children in residential facilities in 2013, through the development of family-type services, substitute family services, and inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova.
Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC) is among the Government partners that supported and contributed to the implementation of this reform. Within 20 years of its activity, P4EC managed to create sustainable partnership relations with the Central and Local Public Authorities (CPA and LPA), contributing to the development and implementation of social policies, programs, specialized services, securing the right of every child to a childhood in a safe and nourishing family, protected of poverty, violence, and exploitation, strengthening family and preventing child’s separation from its parents.