Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF) and LPAs launched the national awareness-raising campaign “You have a Foster Parent’s Heart. Take a child into your family”. The goal of the campaign is to promote the Foster Care Service (FCS) among the population of the Republic of Moldova and to identify potential foster parents. The will be active in October-December 2015.
Foster Care is a family-type social service for the children who currently cannot enjoy family environment. This service is created within the Regional Social Assistance and Family Protection Department.
Mircea Buga, Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family, said: “Foster Care provides fixed-term care to children, in a safe substitute family environment. It is important that the number of foster parents grows, increasing thus the possibilities for the service extension. The campaign comes to inform the population, raise public awareness, and strengthen the belief that every child has the right to a family, while each of us has the duty to secure this right”.
Stela Grigoras, President of P4EC, mentioned the following: “This campaign is expected to raise public awareness and strengthen the belief of the general public that every child has the right to a family, and every one of us should involve and participate to ensure this right. P4EC comes to support the intentions of the local and national authorities to promote the Foster Care Service and increase the number of persons interested to become foster parents”.
The campaign includes a series of informative and awareness-raising events with the purpose to help the general public understand the need of this service’s development and implementation in our country, based on the child’s fundamental right to grow up in a safe and secure family environment. Thus, informative materials about the FCS will be disseminated in public areas such as mayoralties, churches, health-care facilities, shops, schools, or kindergartens, to encourage the citizens of the country become foster parents. In addition, various events will be organized in collaboration with national and local mass-media.
The partners of the campaign include ICS “RED UNION FENOSA” and SA “RED NORD” that will place in October-December information about FCS on the back side of electricity bills.
The awareness-raising campaign “You have a Foster Parent’s heart. Take a child into your family” is implemented by P4EC in collaboration with the MLSPF, ME and 11 LPAs, and is financially supported by USAID.