“Supporting girls and young women with disabilities placed in residential care to be cared for in safe family environment, schools and communities”
The project purpose
Improve the quality of life of the girls and young women with disabilities from the Hincesti residential institution for children with disabilities by supporting them to transition to community-based care, acquire independent living skills and access support services, education and employment in the community.
Specific objectives
- The Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection (MHLSP), National Agency for Social Assistance (NASA) and Hincesti institution staff have the capacities to safeguard the rights to social inclusion of girls and young women with disabilities from the Hincesti institution and insure their smooth transition from residential to fa community-based care;
- Fully functional sustainable model of community living for girls and young women with disabilities established and integrated into the mainstream social care system;
- 13 girls and young women with disabilities from Hincesti institution are supported to live a full and inclusive life in the community homes and community, accessing needed community support services.
Expected Outcomes
- Strategic Vision of MHLSP regarding the reorganization of Hincesti institution elaborated in accordance with the identified needs. The institution's transformation plan is updated;
- MSMPS, in particular NASA, has resources and capacities to coordinate and supervise residential and community services for people with disabilities;
- The viable and cost-effective community service models for people with disabilities, where they feel appreciated and are members of community life, are created and are functioning (adjusted based on the analyzes made);
- Community support models to support community-integrated girls are developed and piloted;
- At least 13 beneficiaries of the Hincesti institution deinstitutionalized and integrated into the community and the workforce;
- The general public and professionals accept the need and importance of developing community services for people with disabilities and their right to live in the community;
- In the long term, create a safe foundation for supporting national authorities in the full reorganization of the Temporary Placement Center in Hincesti, developing cost-effective alternative community care services, and ensuring that the Residential Institution's resources are reallocated to community and support services.