Support children’s recovery from the traumatic events experienced during conflicts or from the impacts of displacement on both the displaced and host communities, by improving conditions for learning
Refugee children, adolescents, girls and boys, women and families to the Republic of Moldova, receive “Blue Dot” coordinated services: key information to traveling families, safe spaces for mothers and children, ability to identify unaccompanied children and separated children, medical first aid, protection information and referral, mental health and psycho-social support.
Contribute to the end of institutionalization of children and ensure that systems of family support are strengthened so that children can continue to thrive in safe and nurturing families.
Children are treated with respect and dignity as full rights holders in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Moldova
The purpose of the project is to increase the level of knowledge among adolescents (10-19 years old) about their health and to empower them to demand the teaching of age-appropriate and culturally sensitive health education in schools
Technical Assistance to the Sector Reform Contract: Social Protection Kyrgyzstan
Development of training package for strengthening core competencies of community based social service workforce in Kazakhstan
The action aims to increase chances of 40.000 vulnerable children from KR to live in secure and protective family environment.
Improve the quality of life of the girls and young women with disabilities from the Hincesti residential institution for children with disabilities by supporting them to transition to community-based care, acquire independent living skills and access support services, education and employment in the community.
The action aims to ensure community mobilization focused on parents, teachers, faith based organisations and religious leaders, aiming at increasing support in the comprehensive sexual education of young people, through the programme “Education for Health”.
Provide assistance in the social and professional integration of female adolescents at risk from both banks of Nistru river by opening the social tailoring workshop in Tiraspol.
The “Mellow Parenting Program – for healthy and happy children” project aims at intervening early to improve the safety, wellbeing and development of vulnerable children under 5 year.
The project aims to develop civil society in becoming a stronger actor, including in actively participating in decision and policy making and implementation processes of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement
The project “Mellow Parenting Programme - for healthy and happy children” contributes to improving safety, well-being and development of children under the age of 5, particularly those who are at great risk of being abandoned or separated after birth due to the lack of adequate parental care and poor parent-child attachment and relationships.
The overall objective of the proposed action is to improve access to community-based early years and preschool support services for vulnerable children with special needs (CWSN) in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
The project aims to improve the safety, wellbeing and development of highly vulnerable children, particularly those children who are living without adequate family care and potential victims of abuse, including sexual abuse.
Partnerships for Every Child has recently luanched the project “STRENGTHENING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SOCIAL SAFETY NET PROJECT” in consortium with Oxford Policy Management (OPM), United Kingdom.
Partnerships for Every Child is implementing the project “Children in Moldova are cared for in safe and secure families” funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that will last till June, 2017 and has the a goal to improve the safety, wellbeing and development of highly vulnerable children, particularly those who are living without adequate family care.
This Project comes to pilot and demonstrate how to strengthen and integrate child protection mechanisms so that all social services provided to children and families at local level are able to prevent, identify and protect children from neglect, abuse and exploitation.
The ability of the social protection system of Moldova to better address the rights of children with disabilities to quality family based social care is observed with respect to UNCRC articles 3, 9, and 18.
This project was a logical continuation of the first two phases of the Cahul Reorganisation Project implemented by EveryChild / Partnerships for Every Child since 2007 and was aiming to provide additional support to the youth before and after graduation, by preparing the youth for independent living and providing them with vocational education opportunities to facilitate their integration into further education and labour market.
The project is providing the authorities of Moldova with assistance to strengthen the child protection system, addressing the needs of vulnerable children and their families, and closing the gaps in their access to quality social services.
This Project was a part of UNICEF’s broader committed to ensure that, by end of 2011, the social protection system in Moldova addresses the needs of most vulnerable children and families and closes the gaps in access to quality social services, including systems to prevent and protect from family separation, violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect and discrimination.
The project aimed at increasing the chances for 72 children placed in placed in Cazanesti boarding school to enjoy the care of their biological or extended families or alternative family care, and higher quality mainstream education in the communities of origin.
The project is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social protection and Family and local authorities nationwide.
This project was a continuation of the work started with the support of the World Childhood Foundation in Ungheni and Andreas A David Foundation in Chisinau. As result of the evaluation in the life of the 2 projects mentioned above new important areas of involvement have emerged aiming to strengthen the best practice achieved
EveryChild Moldova was supporting Cahul Local Public authority to reorganize Cahul residential school into a complex of community based social services for children, permanently or temporarily deprived of parental care
EveryChild and OPM supported the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child in Moldova to improve the delivery of effective and sustainable social assistance services, in order to reduce poverty and protect vulnerable groups.
The ultimate aim of this project was the prevention of early child abandonment and the preservation of the family. EeveryChild Moldova strengthened the capacity of Ungheni local authorities to support children at risk to be abandoned at birth and their families by establishing a Prevention of Child Abandonment at Birth Service.
EveryChild Moldova has built the capacities of the Soroca local public authorities in the development and promotion of sustainable community-based social services, focused on the respect of the child’s right to a family.
EveryChild has supported Chisinau Republican Maternity in a strong partnership with Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child, Ministry of Health and Chisinau Local Authority to reduce by 50 % the number of children abandoned at birth within the maternity