Protecting children from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation in Moldova
Cost of the action 2,278,407 euro
The project purpose
The project is providing the authorities of Moldova with assistance to strengthen the child protection system, addressing the needs of vulnerable children and their families, and closing the gaps in their access to quality social services. The overall goal is that 100,000 vulnerable children in Moldova will have improved access to quality social protection services, including systems to prevent and protect them from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
The Project purpose is to enable the social protection system to comprehensively address the needs of vulnerable children and their families in Moldova for quality social services, including systems to prevent family separation and protect children without parental care by the end of July 2013.The intended outcomes are:
- National authorities are committed and actively support the implementation of the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in Moldova;
- 5,000 vulnerable children and their families in Calarasi, Falesti and Ungheni have improved access to high quality family support and family substitute services integrated in the wider social protection context;
- 1,100 specialists in Calarasi, Falesti and Ungheni have an increased capacity to prevent family separation and provide effective protection to children without parental care;
- Local authorities in Calarasi, Falesti and Ungheni prioritize meaningful child participation as a means to consult, monitor and evaluate their local child welfare policies;
- Professional and public attitudes have shifted towards supporting vulnerable families and children to prevent separation and use of family based care as opposed to residential care for children without parental care.
In the Year 1 the project managed to analyse the national legislation in line with UN Guidelines an Alternative Care for Children and to develop in cooperation with the government and civil society an implementation Action Plan. With project support the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family initiated the development of a new law on child protection, as well as the revision of the secondary legislation related to social services development (regulations, standards). At local level the project focused on establishing strategic plans for the development of an integrated social services system, including family support, reintegration and foster care services, as well as on assessing of 3 residential institutions in the 3 pilot regions and preparing children for reintegration in their families or placement in the extended families or foster care. The 3 local authorities were supported in the closing down of 3 institutions and deinstitutionalisation of 200 children.