Giving hope developing and delivering social services to children and families
Children, together with families, communities, service providers and authorities are agents of change in the transformative processes. We empower them to achieve positive and sustainable change, developing innovative services that give hope to every child, family and community. Local level experience generate innovations and enables us to identify the most appropriate and sustainable solutions for children to live home with their families and not to be separated and to guide the development of national policy ensuring that it has taken full account of the reality and the practices on the ground.

We design relevant interventions that achieve positive and sustainable changes in the lives of concerned children. We have provided extensive technical assistance to a number of local authorities and civil society organisations to develop a wide range of social services and gatekeeping structures such as gatekeeping commissions to prevent child separation, family support and reintegration services, foster care, parent-and-baby support services, family counseling, services for children with disabilities, street children, child protection services, etc.