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Our history

Partnerships for Every Child is a legal successor of EveryChild Moldova. P4EC is a young organisation as a legal entity, but it is rich through the experience of its people. P4EC develops a well-balanced programme, that combines technical assistance and direct service development, supported by efficient communication, advocacy and fundraising strategies.
  • 1990s
  • 2000s
  • 2010s

The year when EveryChild started to work in the Republic of Moldova, namely in the Municipality of Chisinau, implementing an EU-funded project (Overture).


The Directorate for Protection of Children’s Rights was set up as a first structure of this type in Moldova as a result of the EU project, implemented in collaboration with Chisinau City Hall.


The first team 15 social workers were recruited and trained to pilot Family Support and Reintegration Services in Chisinau Municipality.


The first Small Group Home for children with disabilities without parental care in Chisinau. EveryChild extended its activity to Cahul and Tiraspol to replicate family support and reintegration services.


The first Foster Care Service pilot was launched in Chisinau, in collaboration with the Directorate for Protection of Children’s Rights.


The first Day Care Center for children with disabilities was opened in Cahul, in collaboration with UNICEF and Cahul local authorities.

EveryChild programmme extended to the 4th region - Ungheni raion, implementing, in collaboration with UNICEF and Ungheni Council, a programme for the development of integrated social services for children and families.


The Republican Centre for street children was reorganized into a child-friendly service. EveryChild started to implement a large EU — funded Tacis Project “Capacity building in social policy reform”.


EveryChild programmme extended to the 5th region — Orhei raion. Gate-keeping legislation and methodology was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and tested in 3 regions — Cahul, Orhei and Ungheni.


A very successful awareness raising and advocacy campaign on the need to reform the child care system was implemented, with the motto “Call Your Future Back Home”.

First 3 institutions were assessed and strategies were developed at local level to reform child care system.

Analysis on expenditures on the Residential Care of Children in the Republic of Moldova and Cost Comparison of Residential Care and Community Services were carried out; the findings presented to the national government to influence changes in the system.


The national reform on reorganisation of the residential child care was launched by the President of the country at a national conference organised by EveryChild, in collaboration with UNICEF and President’s office.

A comprehensive package of gate keeping and family-based alternative services were developed in 3 regions and lessons learned disseminated to 50% of regions from Moldova, 2432 children from 3 raions were prevented from institutionalization, 245 children were reintegrated with their parents and 55 children were placed in foster care.

EveryChild programme extended to the 6th region — Soroca, supporting the local authorities to develop an integrated system of social services for children and families.


The first residential institution was closed in Cahul, as a result of EveryChild’s advocacy campaign. The Gate-keeping and Foster Care regulations were approved by the government. This legislation facilitated the reduction of the number of children in residential care.

A National Strategy on reorganisation of the residential child care system and Plan of action were developed and approved by the Government. EveryChild launched the implementation in Chisinau and Ungheni of a programme to prevent infant abandonment. The second residential institution in Cahul started the transformation process.

EveryChild in collaboration with Oxford Policy Management GB started a project funded by DFID and SIDA “Support to the development of effective and efficient social assistance services” to support the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child to implement social assistance reform.


The National Programme for the Development of the Integrated System of Social Services and Foster Care Quality Standards were approved by the Moldovan Government.

The Law and Regulations on Social Aid (means-tested benefit) was approved by the Parliament. Other 9 regions established gate-keeping as a result of the approval of the national legislation.


The Law on Social Services was approved by the Parliament. Social Aid is implemented nationally; monthly around 16,000 households (majority of them being families with children) received financial support under the new legislation.

Parent-and-Baby Units established in Ungheni and Chisinau become fully operational providing specialized support to young babies and their parents to prevent abandonment.

In Cahul the first phase of the reorganization of the institution finalized: all children (together with teachers) were integrated into mainstream schools; 47 children out of 131 were reintegrated with biological and extended families a small scale family-type placement centre was established and fully operational.

New 9 regions were covered by EvC by providing technical assistance to local authorities in developing Foster care service and gate keeping system.


EvC Moldova, in collaboration with UNICEF, piloted a model of inclusive education for children with special needs who were placed in residential care in Falesti and Ungheni; 144 children from 3 special schools were assessed; 91 children were integrated with families or placed in alternative family care; 148 headmasters and deputy-headmasters of 74 community schools were trained in inclusive education; one institutions was closed and other two were prepared for closure in 2011.

EveryChild, in collaboration with OPM and Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child provided 80 hours-training to 800 community social workers and 220 employees of the Community Social Assistance Service and Domiciliary Care Service nationwide.

Other new 8 regions were covered by EveryChild by providing technical assistance to local authorities in developing foster care and gate-keeping system.

EveryChild started to implement, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and local authorities in Calarasi, Falesti and Ungheni a USAID-funded Project “Protecting children of Moldova from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation”, working in 8 residential institutions for children and developing gate-keeping and family based alternatives.


An Action Plan on implementation of UN Guidelines on alternative child care was developed on the basis of the analysis of national legislation. A new Law on child protection and secondary social services legislation are under revision and development in line with UN Guidelines.

4 residential institutions with 427 children were assessed in 4 regions and closed; 372 children were reintegrated with their families or placed in alternative family care.

In Cahul a Community Centre for Children and Young People established which includes Social Apartments for care leavers and Vocational workshops: sewing, cooking/confectionery, carpentry and computer literacy. A “Life Skills Educational Programme” and a Vocational Programme were developed. The capacities of the centre’s staff were built in provision a permanent support to children and youth in the re/integration process in the family, school and community.

26 regions were supported to develop and deliver foster care and gate-keeping system.