Keeping families together
We give children the chance to grow up in loving families and communities. We help strengthening families’ abilities to keep their children at home and offer them the best possible care and protection. We also support children and parents to reunite after a long period of separation.
In doing, so we help local communities, local and central government, non-governmental organisations to design and implement family support social assistance practices and policies. We focus on the development of cost-effective early intervention services and programmes that address difficulties early in the life of the child and early in the life of the problem. It is important that families are given timely practical and emotional advice, as well as continued support and encouragement, to enable them to cope with any subsequent difficulties in their lives.
We have supported the recruitment and training of social workers that work at the community level to support vulnerable households. We have developed of family support and family counselling services, family group conferences, respite care for children with disabilities living with their families, psychosocial rehabilitation programmes for children and families affected by alcohol abuse, parents and children self-support groups and other services that build up parental skills and help families to develop coping strategies, which in turn prevent family breakdown and institutionalisation of children and improve children wellbeing.