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Reports and publications

  • 12/4/2009

    Practical Guide — Community Mobilization

    This guide provides practical information on the methodology of community mobilisation and a set of methods and techniques for the improvement of the process and is intended to community social assistants.The guide has been developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family with technical support of the „Support to the Delivery of Efficient and Sustainable Social Assistance Services” Project implemented by OPM / EveryChild Moldova, funded by DFID/SIDA.

  • 9/8/2009

    Practical Guide — System for Prevention of Child Separation from the Family

    This guide has been developed to support the consolidation of the system for prevention of child separation from the family, based on the analysis of best practices achieved in the Republic of Moldova. It is provided to professionals in the field of social assistance. The goal of the guide is to facilitate the understanding and implementation of the Framework-Regulations of the Gate-keeping Commission.

    The guide has been developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child with technical support of the „Support to the Delivery of Efficient and Sustainable Social Assistance Services” Project implemented by OPM/EveryChild Moldova, funded by DFID/SIDA.

    Practical Guide
  • 9/1/2009

    Assessment of the child care system in Moldova and technical assistance to the government of Moldova to host the sub-regional consultation on child care system reforms in ENP countries

    Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and EveryChild Moldova, were selected to support the Republic of Moldova to host the conference on the progress registered in childcare systems of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova, members of EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and to perform an assessment of the reform implemented in Moldova.

    The purpose of the assessment is to identify the progress and set-backs of the reform, through an analysis of the existing policies, and to determine what are the attitudes of national, raion, and community-level stakeholders. This activity allows the Government of the Republic of Moldova, along with UNICEF country offices and other international and local stakeholders, to accelerate the childcare system reform.

    The assessment was carried out in June - August 2009. It focuses on 'child care' in the sense of support provided to children who are in need of additional care because of their circumstances, and those without parental care, or at risk of being without parental care. It covers issues such as deinstitutionalisation and the provision of family substitute and family support services. There is an inevitable overlap between child care issues and other issues relating to child welfare such as education, health, justice and social assistance. The assessment therefore cover these aspects of child welfare where they have an impact on the children who are in need of, or at risk of needing, child care services (e.g. the treatment of children with disabilities, the education of children with special needs, or the care of children in the detention system).

    The report forms part of Moldova's contribution to the subregional consultation on child protection which is being hosted by the Government of Moldova and UNICEF in November 2009, and which will bring together participants from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine as well as Moldova to discuss progress in the wider region.

    Moldova child welfare assessment_final_2009.09