USAID – the donor that supports till the end the residential child care system reform in Moldova
Dr. Grigoraş made an overview of the residential care system in Moldova, highlighting the causes and conditions that favor child’s institutionalization, and talked about the situation that lead to the care system reform in the country. The main results of this reform were underlined, explaining the approach made by the USAID/DCOF-funded project supporting the Government of the Republic of Moldova in the national child care system reform, implementation of the vast deinstitutionalization process, including the theory of change in this process. Mrs. Grigoraş presented the main factors of success, identifying the major challenges in further reform.
General Presentation_Eng_Short
Auditor's report on financial statements 2012
Auditor's report on financial statements for the financial year ended on december 31, 2012 of the public association Partnership for every child
Audit's report Financial december 31 2012
EveryChild Moldova’s Programme Experience: Improving Children’s Lives through Deinstitutionalisation
The report is intended to be a resource for programme managers, project workers and authors initiating or participating in the design and implementation of programmes and projects aiming to improve children’s lives through deinstitutionalisation. It is intended for sharing with relevant networks and has been placed in the public domain as a resource for practitioners engaged with issues related to children in institutional care and development of systems for deinstitutionalisation.
EvC Moldova Programme Review 2013 Final
Annual Report April 2011 – March 2012
Partnerships for Every Child Annual Report April 2011 – March 2012
Auditor's report for 2011 financial year of "PARTNERSHIPS FOR EVERY CHILD" Moldova
Auditor's report on financial statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2011 of the public association "PARTNERSHIPS FOR EVERY CHILD" Moldova
Auditor's report December 31, 2011 of the public association 'Partnerships for everychild' Moldova
Auditor's report for 2011 financial year of "EVERYCHILD" Moldova branch
Auditor's report on financial statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2011 of the public association "EVERYCHILD" Moldova branch
Auditor's report December 31, 2011 of the public association 'Everychild' Moldova branch EN