The piloting of the National Practice Model /NPM/ initiated this spring in 3 regions of the country has entered its second phase. During the first stage, informative and awareness raising meetings covering areas of child’s well-being and family protective factors were held with over 5500 professionals and auxiliary staff working in areas of education, public order, health, and social assistance.
40 professionals in the work with children with special needs from the districts Cahul, Calarasi, Falesti, Nisporeni and Ungheni are attending the training on the implementation of the home-visiting educational Program for pre-school children with additional support needs and their families Portage within December 5-8, 2016.
The districts Cahul, Calarasi, Falesti, Nisporeni and Ungheni are launching the implementation of the Parental Education Program “Mellow Parenting” within a project funded by the European Union.
Strategic vision of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family on the development of specialized child protection services was presented on 30 September at a workshop.
Professionals from Social Assistance and Family Protection Departments /SAFPD/ of 11 regions participated on Thursday, 29 September, in a training organized by Partnerships for Every Child /P4EC/ on new work tools for the delivery of the Social Support Service for families with children.
The Mellow Parenting program is launched in the Republic of Moldova for the first time and aims at supporting parents in the development of their parental skills at various stages of child development, from pre-birth to the pre-school age. The Mellow Parenting program is underpinned by the principles of attachment, social learning and cognitive behavioral theory.
Representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Heads of Social Assistance and Family Protection Departments of 11 regions, met recently to participate in a workshop on the implementation of the National Practice Model “Getting it right for every child – TOGETHER” in the Republic of Moldova
The members of the National Advisory Board of Children (NABC) and Advisory Boards of Children (ABC) of 10 regions will participate on 27 June – 8 July this ear in a summer camp organized by Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC).
Representatives of central and local authorities of the country, specialists in social work, education, health-care, international experts, representatives of the academic environment, and professionals from NGOs, participated on 17th-19th May at the International Conference “Ensuring the right to a family for every child: Challenges and Solutions”.
30 specialists who will be providing training to foster care applicants and foster parents participated recently in a two-days training. The event was organized by Partnerships for Every Child, in collaboration with the organization Asistenta Parentala Profesionista – Suport pentru copii (Foster Care – Support for Children).
An EU-funded project that will facilitate access during first years of life of children with special needs to community support and education services is launched today, 3rd March 2016, in Chisinau. The project’s life is two years, 2016-2018, and it will be implemented in five regions of the country: Cahul, Calarasi, Falesti, Nisporeni, and Ungheni.
Starting with 2016, in the districts of Calarasi, Falesti and Ungheni will be piloted a model of national practices ”Getting it right for every child”. In this respect, in November 2015, the Ministry of Labour, ...