1,200 students in grades I-XII from four Chisinau high schools will receive educational kits with school supplies, within a project implemented by NGO “Partnerships for Every Child” /P4EC/.
Eighty-five parents and one hundred and twenty-eight children have participated, since December 2023, in a parental education program, where they learned how to overcome stressful situations, thus improving their well-being.
The kits were offered in the context of the crisis situations faced not only by the community of refugee families from Ukraine, but also by families from Moldova, thus reducing the financial burden on parents and ensuring the right of all children to education.
The results and prospects of implementation of the “Better Learning Programme” /BLP/ that supports students in crisis situations, were discussed at a workshop with the participation of several representatives of the beneficiary educational institutions.
Five hundred refugee parents and children from Ukraine who settled in Chisinau, Causeni and Stefan Voda districts will participate in a parenting program. To this end, 10 trainers from the aforementioned regions are trained on November 17-18 in the implementation of the “Parenting pilot program for displaced families from Ukraine”
Two hundred and eighty teachers, psychologists and school managers from Balti and Chisinau will develop new skills in the active and quality teaching to students in crisis contexts. The training programme “Teachers in Crisis Contexts – TiCC” aims to ensure teachers’ wellbeing and prevent their professional burnout
Chisinau, 22nd of September, 2023. Another 1,000 children from four high schools located in Chisinau and Balti will be included in the "Better Learning Programme" /BLP/
The accredited practitioners in the provision of the educational programme for parents “Mellow Parenting” participated in a workshop to exchange good practices and to strengthen the competences in carrying out this programme. The event is organised with the support of the European Union and is moderated by Rachel Tainsh, international programme coordinator, Mellow Parenting organisation in Scotland.
AO Parteneriate pentru fiecare copil” organizează în perioada 12-14 iulie 2023, atelierul de lucru cu tematica „Consultarea managementul de caz cu reprezentai structurilor teritoriale de asistență socială”, în cadrul proiectului Changing The Way We CareSM (CTWWC).
Chisinau, April 18, 2023. In April-May this year, the "Better Learning Programme" /BLP/ is to be piloted in other 5 high schools in the capital city, to support students in crisis situations. In this context
The outcomes and lessons learned after implementing the "Better Learning Programme" in five schools of Chisinau to support students in crisis, were discussed at a workshop with the participation of teachers and managers of educational institutions.
15 national trainers in the “Better Learning Programme” (BLP) to support students in crisis situations participate in a two-day training. The training takes place under the guidance of the expert from the Norwegian Refugee Council's Global Education Unit (NRC), Mr Cristian De Luca.
A group of employees of Territorial Social Assistance Structures from 13 districts, as well as Chisinau and Balti participate in the two-day training “Care and assistance of separated or unaccompanied children refugees from Ukraine” that is delivered offline and online.
With support of the EU, 38 professionals will become local trainers in the implementation of the Instruction on the inter-agency cooperation mechanism on primary risk prevention of child wellbeing risks in the education system
6 placement centers for adults with disabilities and 2 centers for children with disabilities are equipped with protective equipment against the new virus COVID-19.
Medical equipment amounting to 20,000 EUR (about 400,000 MDL) has been transmitted by P4EC to eight healthcare institutions of Moldova to fight against the new virus Covid-19.
Decision makers from the Kyrgyz Parliament, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, local authorities and NGOs are in a study visit to Moldova on 13-18th of May.
“Partnerships for every child” in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the local public authorities invited the professionals who are developing the Early Years Support Programmes for children with special needs - Portage and Makaton – for a 3-day seminar in Chișinău.
This year, on Europe’s Day, the team of the NGO „Partnerships for every child” participated in the activities conducted at the European Town 2018. With the Educational Centre for Children “Ingenium” a number of activities to advertise early years support programmes for children with special educational needs
A group of 14 national practitioners from 10 regions and municipalities of Balti and Chisinau started the piloting of Makaton language used in the work with children who have communication difficulties.
Heads of social assistance and family protection departments and heads of departments of education from 11 pilot regions of the project Children in Moldova are cared for in safe and secure families participated in a self-assessment exercise
Representatives of central and local authorities of the country, specialists in social work, education, health-care, international experts, representatives of the academic environment, and professionals from NGOs, participated on 17th-19th May at the International Conference “Ensuring the right to a family for every child: Challenges and Solutions”.
Stela Grigoras, director of Partnerships for Every Child, was awarded First Degree Diploma by the Government of the Republic of Moldova, at an event organized by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family on 18th September.
On the International Child’s Day traditionally celebrated on the 1st of June, Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC) organized several interesting events, both for children and for their parents.
Specialists from 6 raions participated on 12th and 13th January in a workshop organized by Partnerships for Every Child.
About 120 national and local decision-makers, professionals, specialists, and children from all the country gathered in Chisinau to participate in a conference dedicated to the development at the local level of systems of child protection from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Foster Care Assistance Association (“Asistenţa Parentală Profesionistă – Suport pentru copii”) was recently registered in Moldova. The Association’s goal is to develop a professional network of family-type alternative care of children at risk. The association will act as a professional platform designed for all persons, organizations involved and interested in this area.
On 7-11th October, Partnerships for every child hosted a delegation from Tajikistant that included child protection decision makers and specialists, civil society representatives. The visit was organized at the request of the international organization Healthprom and its goal was to exchange experience in the deinstitutionalization of children and development of child protection system focused on raising children in families and community.
Partnerships for Every Child, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, is providing training to 35 Local Public Authorities from the country, in order to develop the Family Support Service for families with children in September 2013 – May 2014. The training program is specifically designed for community social assistants and for specialists of Social Assistance and Family Protection Departments.
Foster care is a social service that has been harmoniously adjusted to the needs of the child and the family, and it offers trust, support, and progress – this is the declaration of a group of specialists and practitioners in child care, who participated recently in a workshop organized by Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC).
Over 110 foster care-givers, 60 specialists in child and family protection from the entire country met on 19th November in Chisinau at a national conference of professionals and specialists involved in the delivery of foster care service in the Republic of Moldova. The event was organized by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, in collaboration with Partnerships for Every Child.