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  • 3/26/2015

    Study tour to Edinburgh, Scotland, for the partners of P4EC

    Representatives of Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC), of the Ministry of Education and Local Public Authorities from Falesti, Cahul, Nisporeni, and Causeni regions, participated recently in a study tour to Edinburgh, Scotland.

  • 2/12/2015

    Child-Friendly version of UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children

    First in the region, Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC) developed a child-friendly version of UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.

  • 2/9/2015

    Children for children

    A booklet on the activity of the Advisory Boards of Children (ABCs) was produced by Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC).

  • 1/17/2015

    New educational program for chlidren and parents will be piloted in six raions of the republic, supported by P4EC

    Specialists from 6 raions participated on 12th and 13th January in a workshop organized by Partnerships for Every Child.

  • 12/29/2014

    Partnerships for Every Child organizes a series of workshop on SAFPD capacity building

    On 22nd and 23rd December 2014 Partnerships for Every Child organized a workshop for the teams of Social Assistance and Family Protection Departments implementing the Family Support Service in line with the recently approved standards of quality and professional supervision mechanism

  • 12/23/2014

    A new Advisory Board of Children was created in Orhei

    We are proud, and we have a reason for that! It sounds a bit materialistic, but this is also a feeling of achievement, joyfulness, and, why not, pride, when, coming to the end of the year, we sum up our results and say enthusiastically: 180! It’s not just a number, it’s a result that speaks about our work, about the partnerships we managed to develop, maintain, and extend for years.

  • 12/5/2014

    Training Foster Care, for child’s rights protection specialists

    Specialists from Social Assistance and Family Protection Departments of 6 raions (Ocnita, Soldanesti, Vulcanesti, Comrat, Taraclia, and Ciadir-Lunga), responsible for the development and implementation of the Foster Care Service (FC) participated in a training on the organization and functioning of the Foster Care Service in Moldova on 3rd and 4th December.

  • 11/24/2014

    Study visit to Great Britain

    This November “Partnerships for Every Child” (P4EC) organized a study visit to Great Britain, for representatives of the Ministry of Education, local public authorities of II level, representatives of Social Assistance, Education, Finance Departments from Singerei and Telenesti raions.

  • 11/24/2014

    Children from a number of raions talked about rights, tolerance, and equality

    645 pupils of forms V – IX from mainstream schools of Singerei town and Pepeni village (Singerei raion) are participating on 24th – 28th November in a series of activities to build positive attitude, tolerance and equality in rights, regardless of one’s social status, origin, education, previous care experience, etc. During the sessions the pupils are trained in various issues of discussion on the rights of children, communication, conflict resolution, etc.

  • 11/21/2014

    Study Visit to Edinburgh, Scotland

    Representatives of Partnerships for Every Child (PfEC), Ministry of Labour, Social Protection, and Family, and local public authorities from Soroca, Ungheni, Orhei, and Falesti, had recently a study visit to Edinburgh, Scotland.

  • 8/5/2014

    2014 Summer school for the members of Advisory Boards of Children (ABC)

    During 27th July and 1st August 2014, 83 persons, members of Advisory Boards for Children from Cahul, Calarasi, Falesti, Ungheni, and Telenesti raions, participated in a training event organized in summer school format.

  • 6/20/2014

    Training in Change Management

    Training program in Change Management was provided to the staff of auxiliary school of Nisporeni.

  • 5/22/2014

    Request for Proposals

    Request for proposals (RfP) for a Study Tour on the development of a Psycho-social support model for children living in households affected by alcohol abuse.

    Partnerships for Every Child Moldova invites interested organization or government agencies to submit a proposal for organizing a Study Tour to learn about Programmes to support children living in households affected by alcohol.

  • 5/22/2014

    Request for proposals

    Subject: Request for proposals (RfP) for a Study Tour on Reforming the Child Care System Partnerships for Every Child Moldova invited interested organization or government agencies to submit a proposal for organizing a Study Tour on Reforming the Child Care System and development of alternative care services in accordance with UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  • 4/10/2014

    The national Conference “Strong Family for Every Child: actuality, lessons learned, and perspectives for the development” held on 9th April 2014

    The Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, in collaboration with the Partnerships for Every Child, held the National Conference “A strong family for every child: actuality, lessons learned, and perspectives for the development” on 9th April this year.

  • 4/8/2014

    Call for tenders

    Partnerships for Every Child public association, implementing the USAID-funded project “Children in Moldova are cared for in safe and secure families”, announces open competition for the procurement of a multifunctional printing system (MFU) and five computers (PCs).

  • 3/10/2014

    Children's reintegration: Longitudinal study of children's reintegration in Moldova

    This report documents a 22-month longitudinal study of the reintegration of children in residential care in Moldova. This research was carried out by Partnerships for Every Child with the support of Family for Every Child, a network of national NGOs.

  • 2/14/2014

    A secure future, free from violence, neglect, and exploitation – for all children from Moldova

    About 120 national and local decision-makers, professionals, specialists, and children from all the country gathered in Chisinau to participate in a conference dedicated to the development at the local level of systems of child protection from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

  • 1/31/2014

    Partnerships for Every Child is looking for an international and national consultant

    Partnerships for Every Child is looking for an international and a national consultant to carry out an assessment of the situation of children with hearing impairments in the Republic of Moldova, with increased focus on the accessibility of the current preschool and pre-university educational system and the outcomes achieved by these children in the special educational system.

  • 12/17/2013

    Foster Care in Moldova – new achievements and perspectives

    Foster Care Assistance Association (“Asistenţa Parentală Profesionistă – Suport pentru copii”) was recently registered in Moldova. The Association’s goal is to develop a professional network of family-type alternative care of children at risk. The association will act as a professional platform designed for all persons, organizations involved and interested in this area.

  • 10/28/2013

    USAID – the donor that supports till the end the residential child care system reform in Moldova

    On 17th October this year, Dr. Stela Grigoraş, director of Partnerships for Every Child, made a presentation in the office of USAID/DCOF in Washington, DC, regarding the most important actions and lessons learned within the residential child care system reform in Moldova.

  • 10/15/2013

    Moldovan experience in child deinstitutionalization, shared with Tajikistan delegation

    On 7-11th October, Partnerships for every child hosted a delegation from Tajikistant that included child protection decision makers and specialists, civil society representatives. The visit was organized at the request of the international organization Healthprom and its goal was to exchange experience in the deinstitutionalization of children and development of child protection system focused on raising children in families and community.

  • 10/10/2013

    Family support service – friendly and useful to families with children in difficulty in Moldova

    Training of community social assistants in the delivery of Family Support Service is a very useful activity to support families with children in difficulty. When implemented, this service will help to prevent institutionalization and strengthen families, which is one of the main objectives of the residential child care system reform in Moldova.

  • 9/25/2013

    Foster Care – a social service that provides trust, well-being, and progress

    Partnerships for Every Child, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, is providing training to 35 Local Public Authorities from the country, in order to develop the Family Support Service for families with children in September 2013 – May 2014. The training program is specifically designed for community social assistants and for specialists of Social Assistance and Family Protection Departments.

  • 9/11/2013

    Foster Care Service extends in Tiraspol

    Three children residing on the left side of Dniester were placed into foster care families, and other eight will soon enjoy parental affection in the Foster Care Service recently launched in Tiraspol by NGOs “Detstvo-Detyam” from Tiraspol and “Partnerships for Every Child” from Chisinau, supported by UNDP “Supporting to Confidence-Building Measures” project.

  • 8/5/2013

    A community social service with big chances for national extension

    Foster care is a social service that has been harmoniously adjusted to the needs of the child and the family, and it offers trust, support, and progress – this is the declaration of a group of specialists and practitioners in child care, who participated recently in a workshop organized by Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC).

  • 7/25/2013

    A safer future for every child

    Family separation prevention social services for child and family secure a better future for every child – this is the conclusion made by the participants of the training seminar “Supporting local authorities in the Republic of Moldova, in delivering alternative family-type services to children without parental care”, held in Falesti on 3-5 July and 17-19 July, said Natalia Rusnac, specialist a the Child Protection Centre, Falesti raion.

  • 7/23/2013

    Advisory Boards of Children – stronger and more resolute

    ‘Partnerships for Every Child’ organized a new edition of summer school on 1-5 July, for the members of the Advisory Boards of Children (ABC) from Calarasi, Falesti, and Ungheni raions

  • 11/20/2012

    National Conference of professionals and specialists involved in the delivery of foster care service

    Over 110 foster care-givers, 60 specialists in child and family protection from the entire country met on 19th November in Chisinau at a national conference of professionals and specialists involved in the delivery of foster care service in the Republic of Moldova. The event was organized by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, in collaboration with Partnerships for Every Child.

  • 10/29/2012

    Traning in Sofia to promote young people's active citizenship

    On October 18-24, 2012, children placed into alternative care attended training in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event gathered 30 young people from the Netherlands, Malta, Great Britain, Finland, Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia.

  • 7/12/2012

    Summer school for ABC members

    Between 2 and 6 July 2012, a summer camp was organized for the members of the Advisory Board of Children of Calarasi, Falesti, and Ungheni. The event took place in Vadul lui Voda, "Odiseu" resort station.

  • 6/1/2012

    Approval of the “Regulation on redirection of the financial resources within the reform of residential institutions"

    The Regulation on redirection of the financial resources within the reform of residential institutions was approved by the Government Decision nr.351 of May 29, 2012. During the process of drafting and promoting the Regulation, the Ministries of Education, Labour, Social Protection and Family and Finance were supported by the non-governmental organisations Partnerships for Every Child and Lumos.

  • 5/30/2012

    Official launch of “Partnerships for Every Child”

    On May, 24 2012 Partnerships for Every Child was officially launched. The event was attended by the President of the Parliament, Marian Lupu, ministers, deputies, partners from aborad and mass-media.

  • 5/30/2012

    The director of Partnerships for Every Child in Moldova, received an award for her contribution to transforming the lives of children without parental care

    The lunch saw visitors from Moldova, Russia, Ethiopia, Malawi and India meet with EveryChild staff and supporters, and a very special showbiz couple, to share stories and experiences of working with and supporting children without parental care.

  • 5/29/2012

    International Conference “Modern Practices in the Alternative Care of Children”.

    Partnerships for Every Child together with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family organized an International Conference “Modern Practices in the Alternative Care of Children”.

  • 4/13/2012

    Child Helpline

    On Aprilie 18 and 19 this year, in Ungheni and Falesti raions the Child Hotline will be launched — a phone service providing free information and counseling, specialized in child protection.

  • 3/9/2012

    Experience exchange with Bacau local authorities

    Between March 13 and 16 this year, Partnerships for every child organized a study visit to Bacau, Romania, for practitioners and specialists of child and family protection departments of Falesti and Ungheni.

  • 2/1/2012

    Premiere for Europe — the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of Children were adapted in a child-friendly language in the Republic of Moldova.

    Premiere for Europe — the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care of Children were adapted in a child-friendly language in the Republic of Moldova.